Being Buaa

I have always heard that titles carry a lot of weight with them but I hadn’t actually felt it until I won mine….twice.  “Buaa”  “Aunt” “Phuppo” “Zia” 
It is the best feeling in the world having being called buaa. Buaa who loves, Buaa who spoils, Buaa who rescues, Buaa who gets the best gifts, Buaa who teaches all the pranks and Buaa who conciliates. For the ones who never knew, yes I am a very important person in this world.

In all my years of being alive and breathing I have never conciliated anyone ever, that’s the fun of being the youngest in the family, until of course my brats {Niece and Nephew} came along. I never knew how tricky it all really is and am quite surprised that there is no “ How to conciliate for dummies” book available in the market. It is by far the toughest job in the world especially when there are kids involved.

Apparently the word ‘sorry’ means absolutely nothing to a 3 year old. Yes the same word known to build broken relationships, fails every single time with a 3 year old.  And if you do happen to say sorry to them, all you get is a look mixed with anger and confusion. Surprisingly in this world, words have no meaning. 
Strange, words which were built to share feelings provide no assistance whatsoever.
So then, how do you say sorry to a child?
Since I am new to this job I am still trying to find the best answer to that question and hopefully some day I shall publish a “ How to conciliate for dummies” book, you know, just for the new ones like me.

Until next time….

Love letter from a man!  

Well most women wouldn’t believe that such a thing exists but the fact is that some of the most intelligent and powerful men in history have written the best love letters ever!

Be it Napoleon, Beethoven, Mozart and many more. These were some extraordinary men in history. 

They didn’t send chocolates or flowers or a preprinted Archies card [ I bet not a single guys has ever read these cards] they sent their feelings, their deepest strongest feeling for their lovers, for their women.

There is not  an inch of deception in their words, and expressed with such beauty that the letter itself feels alive.

In one such letter from Napolean  to Josephine…

“I wake filled with thoughts of you. Your portrait and the intoxicating evening which we spent yesterday have left my senses in turmoil”

From Beethoven to his Immortal Beloved

“ my angel, my all, my very self”

“ Ever thine 
  Ever mine
 Ever ours”

From Lord Byron

“I was and am yours, freely and most entirely, to obey, to honour, love --and fly with you when, where, and how you yourself might and may determine

sigh….How I wish I was born in those times..

I don’t think there is any women alive who could refuse the thought or the thinker like them.. Its simply wow!

people don’t talk like that any more…

Until next time…