So here I am as well! Yup my first post. I am kind of excited and a bit confused. I am really amazed with people who know what they want to write about 'cause I am simply clueless. This being my first post is of vital importance to me, like every other thing that is first, you know, first birthday, first love, first impression(which I no longer trust), first aid etc. Which also gets me thinking why is the fist so important especially 1st january which really isn't the first, I mean I have been seeing it for more than 20 years now so how does another one still be the first? I mean I know its the calendar 1st but not otherwise 1st.

Anyways 'cartography is the Art and Science of representing a geographical area graphically.' So am I going to show you guys images of planet earth? Well not exactly.

My cartograph represents my family, my friends near and far, my time zone, my music, my books, my moods and so much more that I call 'my'. And if you ever use my cartograph you will find my attribute data and location data. The degree of accuracy may vary, but then there is no such thing as perfect, right?

I am not too sure how the initial sketch of this cartograph was but right now it is a phase which is quite scary! Yup new attribute data needs to be filled in along with I guess new location data ( I hope not!) But if and when done I really wonder what it will look like. Will it be interesting or ignorant, complicated or over simplified, will it be huge or small.

I don't know and the one who does know doesn't want to tell me! Well then I am left with no other choice than to add in my own data which is an everyday process. Each day my cartograph looks different since I am constantly adding so many more attributes. While this looks like a never ending process I am at the end of my first post. Take a look at what your cartograph is like and how many more attributes does it need! 
Until next time....

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2 Responses
  1. dipu Says:

    its nice to see ur blog
    n me as frst to comment